Job markets are getting better. However, too many people are still stuck in the "open to work" pool even after being so skilled. One of the few reasons for this could be a poorly written resume. Here are some tips that will help you avoid the common resume writing mistakes.

Identify your resume type from Academic and Professional. There are different formats, sections, and sequences for both.
Customize your CV as per the job that you are applying for.
Keep your profile summary short, enabling an immediate gist of your profile to the reader.
Restrict the use of profile photo or images for beautifying the core sections. They may make your resume rank lower under the ATS scan.
Your resume should ideally be one page long and not exceed 02 pages; unless you are a PhD scholar whose resume has mandatory extra sections like publications, conferences and workshops.
Add your LinkedIn profile link to the resume. Create the short link using “edit your public profile & URL” option on LinkedIn.
Include an “accomplishment” section mentioning the key achievements throughout your professional journey. This section will highlight your performance driven attitude.
Add work summary in bullet points. Restrict the use of repetitive information from the accomplishment section. Avoid using paragraphs at all cost.
Use performance metrics under work section. Quantifying results automatically stand out on your resume. But make sure that you do not overuse them.
Use unique and strong action verbs.
Avoid the use of personal pronouns, superfluous filler words, buzzwords and clichés.
Include technical proficiency and soft skills section with job focus keywords.
Skip the “hobbies” section. Should you wish to mention them anyway, title them as “interests” and avoid keeping them generic.
Mention your current location instead of hometown/permanent address.
Format your CV with uniform font and colours. Multiple font types and colours put a negative light on your profile.
Check for spelling mistakes and grammatical errors before finalizing the resume. Use online grammar correction tools if you are not sure about the language.
Sections that are totally irrelevant to your job application:
Date of Birth
Parents’ name or occupation
Marital status and Nationality (unless you are applying for a job in a different country that requires you to mention these for legal reasons)
Self-declaration statement
Date and place at the end of your resume
Salary / Remuneration
Old job history (you can simply mention them in brief without adding details about the work)
Complete education details. Stick to the highest degree and up-skill certifications.
Most importantly – DO NOT send blind applications for the jobs not relevant to you.
Go, wear your confidence and get that interview!